Automation Hero August 2020: Felix Kogler & Michael Schnepf of Systempilot

Systempilot is one of EazyStock’s most successful partners. Felix Kogler & Michael Schnepf, founders of Systempilot, help companies save time and grow their business by implementing digital solutions. That’s why they are EazyStock’s Automation Heroes for August!

Names: Felix Kogler & Michael Schnepf
Title: Head of Sales & Head of Consulting
Company: Systempilot

Congratulations on the award! Can you tell us a little about yourselves and what Systempilot does?
We want to start by thanking you for the award, we really appreciate it! Systempilot is an Austrian consulting company that primarily helps wholesale and manufacturing companies in the DACH region to successfully digitize their processes to reduce costs and improve productivity. We focus on optimizing logistics processes – especially purchasing and inventory optimization.

As this month’s Automation Heroes, you know how automation can benefit a business. What information have you helped your customers automate?
As we mentioned earlier, we mainly automate logistics processes for our customers. In addition to the automation of purchases via automatic purchase order recommendations from EazyStock, we build custom integrations between different systems so that they can talk to each other automatically without human input. We do this to be able to integrate, for example, EazyStock with customers’ business systems and any other third parties.

How do tasks change when you implement automation solutions? What benefits do your customers see?
Most of our implementations lead to a sharp reduction in manual data entry for customers. We often see that customers can reduce the time they spend on administration by more than 50%. In addition to this, the data quality of all the systems involved increases significantly if it is synchronized through automated flows.

In your opinion, how aware is your market of the benefits of automation? How far have the companies you talk to usually come in their automation processes?
In our experience, many companies talk about digitization and automation but are not really referring to the same thing as us. For us, the simple use of email instead of sending a letter is not really digitization. Many companies are not aware of just how many tasks and processes can be digitized and automated to save time and money for the company.

Now we know how you help others achieve their automation goals. What other types of automation tools do you use?
We are really big fans of Zoho One suite which makes it possible to collaborate on daily work throughout the company – from CRM and project management to chats and knowledge management. Zoho One suite gives us support to automate more and more and integrate everything we do.

What do you think about the future of automation?
We believe that the future of automation will be about smart integrated systems that automatically communicate with each other. Over time they will also, with the help of artificial intelligence, learn to become even smarter, even eventually intercept the data other systems in the network have to deliver accurate results to the user.

Any final thoughts to add?
We are really looking forward to seeing how automation technology will develop in the next few years. It is a very exciting area to work in, and we cannot wait for what happens in the future.

Thanks Felix & Michael and congratulations again!

Do you want to nominate a colleague, customer or partner for next month’s Automation Hero? Fill in the form here.


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