Automation Hero March 2020: Lena Johansson from Väderstad AB

Lena Johansson, Aftermarket Purchaser at Väderstad AB, has lowered inventory levels and streamlined her workload by using automation. That’s why she’s March’s Automation Hero 

Name: Lena Johansson
Title: Aftermarket Purchaser
Company: Väderstad AB

Congratulations on winning the award, Lena! Please can you tell us a little about yourself, where you work and what your role is?
Thanks! Väderstad AB develops high-performance agricultural machinery. We’re constantly innovating to ensure our machines provide long-term sustainability; for example, by developing our machines to be more efficient this reduces their diesel consumption.

In my role as a purchaser I’ve used EazyStock to automate demand forecasting and safety stock calculations for Väderstad AB’s aftermarket sales department.

What “red flags” made you realize that you needed to invest in automation?
Previously we had an outdated forecasting system that no longer supported our needs. We therefore started to look at different software solutions and realized that we needed an automated system to fill the gaps.

How has your work changed since you implemented EazyStock?
We have much better control over our inventory items, and I have also become more efficient in the way I work. We’re also now able to spot changes in demand much faster than before thanks to EazyStock recalculating our parameters daily. 

How has automation with EazyStock helped Väderstad AB?
It has helped us to lower our inventory levels. We now have the right items in stock at the right time, in the right quantities, while maintaining a good service level to our customers.

What other types of automation tools do you use today?
At present, EazyStock is the only automated tool we use in our team. 

What do you think about the future of automation?
I think we’re moving more and more towards automation in the warehouse industry to further increase efficiency. This means that people will need to adapt their skills and move away from repetitive tasks towards more strategic roles.

Thank you Lena and congratulations again!

If you would like to nominate a colleague, customer or partner for next month’s Automation Hero, please fill out the contact form here.


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