Connect To Our Inventory Optimization Software

Easily connect EazyStock and AI to your ERP system. Get the best from EazyStock from day one with your dedicated customer success manager.

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Connecting to EazyStock

Your forecasting is off, stock-outs are causing you to tear your hair out, and you’ve got stock taking up space in warehouse and tying up capital. You know you need help but haven’t got the bandwidth to take on new software. That’s because you’ve been looking in the wrong place.

EazyStock is simple to set up thanks to our ready-made connectors and ERP integration. Add our customer success managers into the mix, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t optimize your inventory sooner!

Your personal inventory optimization expert

Your dedicated EazyStock customer success manager is your new best friend.  Not only do they get to know your business inside out to personalize your implementation plan, but they’ll also be your contact throughout your time as an EazyStock customer. Think of them as your personal inventory optimization expert.

We’ll turn your problems around so you can say goodbye to inaccurate forecasts, stock-outs and obsolete stock and hello to optimized stock levels. You’ll have the stock you need, when and where you need it, so that you can meet your inventory objectives.



Let’s connect!

See how we seamlessly integrate to streamline processes and start automating your demand forecasting, stock planning and replenishment tasks.
Book a demo

Customer success managers

Our customer success managers will help you set up your integration with a personalized success blueprint.

ERP integration

EazyStock’s ready-made connectors and integrations seamlessly integrate with any ERP system to automate manual forecasting and planning practices.