Feature Authors

Peter Drakeley

Warehouse shelves full of boxes to show low stock turnover

The causes and consequences of low inventory turnover

What is low inventory turnover? Low inventory turnover occurs when stock items are slow to move through the business. For...

A black calendar with white text on the corner of a blue background to show stock days why service levels are better than stock days when managing inventory

What is service level in inventory management (Guide)

For many years, inventory-holding businesses have used stock days in their inventory management calculations to determine whether they have the...

Coronavirus Stock Tips For EazyStock Customers

The world is facing unprecedented times as the effects and consequences of COVID-19 make their mark on businesses, large and...

Four wooden stars with one red star on a pale blue background

Improving customer service levels with better supply chain management

What are key performance indicators? Key performance indicators (KPIs) act as a set of quantifiable, measurable values that demonstrate how...

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