A variety of metal screws, fixtures and fittings all silver spread out standing up on a metal surface to show bill of materials

Bill of materials’ (BOM) importance in inventory management

What is a bill of materials (BOM)? In its simplest form, a bill of materials (BOM) is a list of...

A close up of a person's hands using a laptop, typing with left hand and holding a credit card in the right hand. ecommerce inventory management. online inventory management.

Improving multi-channel eCommerce inventory management

What is multi-channel ecommerce inventory management? Businesses who have multiple sales channels, including on and offline, require multi-channel ecommerce inventory...

Six piece white jigsaw with rounded corners with the two rows of three. The top right corner piece isn't connected ERP add-ons

7 Ways ERP inventory management add-ons can save time and money

How ERP add-ons can add value to your current system’s functionality Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are excellent for improving...


Classifying inventory and optimising stock levels with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Stock classification is an important part of effective inventory management. By grouping stock items based on their value to your...

A close up of a man holding a laptop in a warehouse inventory management techniques

6 inventory control techniques to optimise your stock management

Inventory control techniques that help optimise your stock management There are hundreds of inventory control blog posts on efficiently organising...


How to reduce Brexit’s impact on your supply chain

Brexit supply chain risks Right now, UK businesses are dealing with unprecedented times. The economic, social and political landscape in...

Computer screen showing charts and analysis on a table in a warehouse ERP how advanced is your ERP system

ERP inventory management: How advanced is your ERP?

What is an ERP? Many organisations have an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to collect, store, manage, and interpret data...

Warehouse shelves full of boxes to show low stock turnover

The causes and consequences of low inventory turnover

What is low inventory turnover? Low inventory turnover occurs when stock items are slow to move through the business. For...

A black calendar with white text on the corner of a blue background to show stock days why service levels are better than stock days when managing inventory

What is service level in inventory management (Guide)

For many years, inventory-holding businesses have used stock days in their inventory management calculations to determine whether they have the...

Piles of coins of different heights on a blue background with light shining on the two of the piles 5 inventory reduction methods to deliver cost savings

5 cost-saving inventory reduction techniques

For businesses that carry non-perishable goods it’s tempting to order and carry surplus stock to help meet market demand and...

Different coloured shipping containers in a shipping yard what are carrying costs and how do they impact profitability

What are carrying costs, and how are they calculated?

Maintaining cost-effective inventory levels is critical for any manufacturer, wholesaler, supplier or retailer. But just how much inventory is the...

Different coloured floppy disks on a tables

Obsolete inventory management: the causes and cures

What is obsolete inventory? Obsolete inventory refers to stock that has seen no demand for a prolonged period of time,...

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