Broken chain with the broken link glowing red at the ends improving inventory planning during times of disruption

Improving inventory planning during supply chain disruption

This post focuses on inventory planning and optimising stock levels during periods of supply chain disruption and erratic customer behaviour....

Close up of shipping containers on a cargo ship heading toward a port with other ships red sea shipping disruption supply chain issues

How to overcome Red Sea supply chain disruption

Why are there global shipping issues? Once again, global shipping is experiencing potential long-term disruption, this time due to Houthi...

Shelf rack full of cartons at logistics warehouse with more boxes piled in front the causes of excess inventory

The causes of excess inventory

8 reasons you’re carrying too much inventory What is excess inventory? Excess inventory refers to when stock for an item...


Demystifying key inventory terms: Your inventory optimisation glossary  

Inventory optimisation is a complex but crucial aspect of supply chain management. However, if you haven’t heard of inventory optimisation,...

Background of multiple red cardboard package boxes stacked at a factory warehouse. the problem with excess stock disadvantages of excess inventory

What are the disadvantages of excess inventory?

Inventory is pivotal to business success. Without it, you can’t provide the items your customers need, and you’ll probably go...

A close-up of a laptop with the screen showing a bar chart with orange bars, with a blue line chart over the top. The orange block shows an increasing trend, and the blue line is around the middle of the orange block but ends above it. The background is two shades of orange. How to calculate forecast accuracy and forecast error.

How to calculate forecast accuracy and forecast error

What is forecast accuracy? Forecast accuracy measures how close your demand forecast is to the actual demand value. You can...


Supply chain and inventory trends for 2024

While watching the news can be challenging, as we see reports of the impact of war, catastrophic weather events and...

A yellow background with three red, wooden blocks stacked on top of each other haphazardly the top one has a pink A, the middle one has a pale blue B and the bottom one has a yellow c ABC analysis in stock management

Importance of ABC analysis in inventory management

ABC analysis in inventory management Managing thousands of stock items from various suppliers and delivering them to an extensive customer...

Close up of a tablet in someone's hand showing inventory data with a warehouse in the background managing inventory in a growing business

How to manage inventory effectively in a growing business

Inventory management, business growth and expanding product ranges There are several reasons you could be expanding your product portfolios. Whether...

Metal shopping trolley with a yellow handle on a red background

Overcoming Black Friday inventory management challenges

Black Friday, 24 November, is one of the year’s biggest shopping days when physical stores and e-commerce tempt shoppers with...

A close up of a dart board lying slightly to the left on a light background with one red dart in the bullseye to show inventory KPIs

10 Inventory management KPIs for 2024

Inventory management KPIs for effective stock management Managing inventory is a complex business. Lots of activities, processes and people are...


Seasonal demand forecasting (2024 Guide)

What is seasonal demand? Seasonal demand is defined as a time series with repetitive or predictable patterns of demand, due...

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